[PDF] Consumer Involvement In Private EU Competition Law Enforcement Ebook

Consumer Involvement In Private Eu Competition Law
Public And Private Enforcement Of Competition Law In
Consumer Involvement in Private EU Competition Law ... Consumer Involvement in Private EU Competition Law Enforcement Maria Ioannidou. The first monograph to deal exclusively with consumer participation in private EU competition law enforcement. Offers a detailed normative and practical account of the topic that will be particularly helpful for academics and policy-makers. Consumer Involvement in Private EU Competition Law ... Consumer Involvement in Private EU Competition Law Enforcement [Maria Ioannidou] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Despite the growing importance of 'consumer welfare' in EU competition law debates, there remains a significant disconnect between rhetoric and reality Consumer Involvement in Private EU Competition Law Enforcement 5. Embracing Consumer Interest in EU Competition Law 42 6. Conclusion 44 3. Normative Justifications for Increased Consumer Involvement 47 1. Introduction 47 2. Endemic/Functional Aims of Private Competition Law Enforcement 48 2.1 Private enforcement of EU law 48 2.2 Private enforcement of EU competition law:EU institutions approach 52
Competition Law Comparative Private Enforcement And
Publications Academy Of European Public Law

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